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The Winter Hair Colours Everybody Is Talking About

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Winter Hair Colours

Winter is coming. This phrase should not have you running to safety; it is a subtle reminder that you do not want to look out of season with your summer hairdo. While winter can be a particularly boring season—if you let it—one thing that it should certainly not affect is the way you look. This starts with your hair. We have gathered some helpful beauty maintenance tips to ensure you look amazing in winter. That said, here are three perfect winter hair colours that everyone is talking about.

The 3 Perfect Winter Hair Colours Everyone is Talking About

Sunset Bronde: Yes, there is a winter hair colour called sunset bronde. Sunset bronde presents an opportunity to be a blonde and a brunette at the same time. Generally, the roots and tips of this hair colour are dyed blonde and brunette, depending on your preference. But for that classy, chic look, dye your roots brunette and then blonde from mid-length to tips. This winter hair colour is timeless and would bring the sunset to a rather drab winter.

Jet Black: This is the second winter hair colour on our list. With enough white snow as the perfect backdrop, black is a winter hair colour that would make your new hairdo stand out. For beauty maintenance, you can wear your black hair in different shades. You could opt for chestnut brown tips or more subtle cacao bean brown highlights. Highlights or not, black is a chic winter colour. Bright Red: No rule says you can’t look hot in the cold weather. If you are seeking to heat the cold streets with your flame, you can go full-out red. However, if you consider bright red as too attention-grabbing for your liking, you can opt for subtle shades like retro red, red wine, or red-brown.

Stay Fly in Winter

Your winter does not have to be drab, blurry, and all shades of white. You can add colours to it with your choice of winter hair colour. Although there are several winter hair colours you can choose from, these colours are the top 3 on our list. From bright highlights to dark shades, your hair has the right to look hot in the cold.